Pretty Creative by Emily Myers Duke

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Top 5 PR Planning Tips for Business Charitable Giving Programs

UPDATED November 4, 2020

Need some help with ideas for your business’ charitable giving? Many businesses are ramping up donation programs for the holiday season, and I want to arm you with tips to enhance your work. Many charitable organizations are hurting after large fundraisers were cancelled this year, and giving in general is down. Put these best practices into place to help your business donate as much as possible to your charity of choice.

⁣Here are five ideas to help build a PR plan for your giving programs this holiday season:

⁣1) Contact your intended giving recipient to let them know you’ll be donating as a result of a marketing campaign through your business. If you’re donating to a national organization, look for a local chapter you can work with directly. ⁣

2) Ask the donation organization for a preferred logo or other identifying information you can use in your promotion. Most non-profits will have prepared bios, tag lines and mission statements ready for their supporters. ⁣

3) Share your completed promotional graphics and materials with the non-profit and ask if they’ll cross promote. Most non-profits have a dedicated donor base that would love to support a business helping their organization.⁣

⁣4) Look for ways to extend beyond a financial donation. Does your intended non-profit have a way for your business to volunteer time or other resources that you could continue throughout the year? ⁣

⁣5) Show your customers the result of the promotion. Grab a photo when you stop at the non-profit to drop off the donation, or ask the non-profit if they’ll send you a photo of your donation being used. Your customers like to see how their donation helped support a larger cause. ⁣

⁣Drop a comment to let me know which non-profit you’re supporting this holiday season and why!